Sume recipe dalam blog ni is not originally mine, unless stated. Mostly amek dari internet and few are learned from friends.
I am no cook. I rarely cook sebelum ni and i am now learning. So, Titus tak guarantee the recipe is good tapi yang pasti, apa yang Titus published are those yang Titus rasa ok (may not be for u, but heck...what do i care). Ada few yang need improvements juga.
So, i hope u guys will give it a try sebagai utk mem-variasikan makanan.
Lets Enjoy Our Diet
I am no expert. I am just a follower. I am writing only what i know about this Low Carbs and Atkins Diet. I know there are people out there who knows more. So if there are anything that I deliver here that is incorrect, I would appreciate it if you can correct me as I myself is still learning. I am not here to impress anyone. Just here to share and to express myself.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Tuna Mayo dalam Salad Boat

How to make this lovely looking very very low carbs dish.
Filling nye is actaully tuna mayonis. How to make?
What u need?
- 1 tin mayonis tuna in oil
- 3 batang celery
- cili api (terpulang pada korg nk byk or sikit. Titus suka byk)
- Mayonise (terpulang nk byk or sikit)
- Romaine Salad
- Potong la celery and cili api tuh kecik2 ikut suka korg mcm mana pun.
- Panaskan kuali and sikit minyak. Goreng cili api dulu.
- Agak-agak cili api dah layu, masukkan tuna tuh kasi abes 1 tin tuh. Goreng tuna tuh sampai agak - agak garing sket. Masuk garam sket je.
- Masukkan celery and goreng sampai dia masak (layu sket je).
- Angkat letak dlm bowl and buh mayonis sesuka hati korg nk byk mana. Tp ingat eh, lg byk mayo, byk la carbs dia =)
- Lastly, amek Romaine Salad and carik-carik dia sehelai-sehelai. Cuci lah dulu ek.
- Letak la tuna tuh atas daun-daun salad tuh mcm dlm gamba.
Well...mungkin akan lebih menarik if boleh letak cili sos sket. Huhu....resipe nih mmg xbyk carbs sbb mostly protein je. So, boleh la kot if korg nk letak sket cili sos atas tuna tuh nnt pas dh letak atas Salad tu.
Try-try kan dan SELAMAT MAKAN!!!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Here's an easy and yummy dessert. But just watch the splenda jgn byk sgt.
8 ounces cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
1/2-3/4 cup granular Splenda or equivalent liquid Splenda *
1/2 teaspoon vanilla or other flavoring
Beat everything with an electric mixer until fluffy. Drop by bite-size spoonfuls onto a wax paper-lined baking sheet. Freeze until firm, at least 1 hour. Store in the freezer and eat frozen.
With granular Splenda:
Per Cloud: 70 Calories; 7g Fat; 1g Protein; 1g Carbohydrate; 0g Dietary Fiber; 1g Net Carb
Per 2 Clouds: 140 Calories; 14g Fat; 2g Protein; 2g Carbohydrate; 0g Dietary Fiber; 2g Net Carbs
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Baked Dory Fish with Cheddar Cheese

This is the first ever recipe i made when i started on Atkins diet. Hahhaaaa....
* 1 piece dory fish
* dash of salt
* 1/2 teaspoon Garlic powder
* Cheddar cheese
* Cauliflower
* Brocolli
* Carrots
* Mushrooms
How to make:
- Bersihkan ikan. Pastu sapukan garam atas ikan tu. Then sapukan garlic powder (jgn byk sgt). Letak dalam baking pan yg dah sapu dgn butter.
- Bakar dalam oven at 170 degree for 15-20 mins or sampai masak.
- Bila dah agak masak, letakkan 2 pieces of cheddar cheese on top of the fish and bakar again till cheese cair.
- Bila dah settle, letakkan dalam pinggan and hias dgn sayur2.
- Utk sayur pulak, rendam dalam air garam but jgn byk sgt nnt masin sgt. Kukuskan sume sayur tu. Pastu letakkan dalam pinggan ikan.
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